
Friday, June 09, 2006

An Alum, Who Does Us Proud

Wild Video Shows Shady Side Of Clematis

POSTED: 11:44 am EDT May 25, 2006
UPDATED: 11:58 am EDT May 25, 2006

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- A locally produced video is causing a stir in West Palm Beach.

WPBF-TV News reported that "Clematis After Dark" is a "girls gone wild" type of video that portrays people doing lewd things for the camera on the popular Clematis Street.

Forest Hill High School graduate David Fitzgerald directed the movie with a friend. He said it took years to shoot and edit, but getting the raw footage was easy.

"Just turn the camera on and the light and point," Fitzgerald said. "Girls just do stuff. They like being on camera, I guess."

Mayor Lois Frankel said the bars where most of the video was shot have closed.

"Our police have seen the video. They believe most of the footage is old," Frankel said. "We're really having a real revitalization, a real turnover of venues there. And if any of this is still going on, I assure you we're going to be cracking down on it."

Fitzgerald said he thinks the women who became barely clothed on the video did so because they have low self-esteem.

"I think that's something that happens because they don't feel that beautiful, and they feel like that if they do that, people will look at them and make them feel beautiful," he said.

The brother of five sisters, Fitzgerald has some ironic advice for people who encounter a video camera.

"If you see somebody with a camera, don't take your clothes off," he said.

Copyright 2006 by WPBF.com.